House prices jump a further 12.3% with double-digit inflation to staytomas Lees2022-03-28T11:11:37+01:0028 March 2022|
Cabinet approves retrofit grants to cover up to half the cost of home insulationtomas Lees2022-02-09T12:14:41+00:009 February 2022|
Residential property prices up 12.4% in the year to Septembertomas Lees2021-11-17T12:00:51+00:0017 November 2021|
Quantity surveyor Patricia Power: Waiting to build ‘could make a difference of €20,000’tomas Lees2021-10-19T16:52:11+01:0019 October 2021|
Clare Sees One Of Highest House Price Increases Nationally In Past Yeartomas Lees2021-09-27T11:46:58+01:0027 September 2021|